October 10, 2011

Power of Making

Dalton Ghetti, began creating sculptures out of pencils 25 years ago after wanting to challenge himself by carving tiny objects. The most fascinating things about these works of art is that he has never sold them, but rather only given away to friends as gifts! I want one!

'King Silver' Gorilla Sculpture by David Mach is an eight foot tall gorilla completely made out of silver wire hangers! Hmmm maybe I could raid my wardrobes and try this out...

Shauna Richardson has taken crocheting to the next level with this quite magnificent brown bear standing tall and proud

'Super-self-promotional-dress' designed for pop star, Kali in Steed Lord allows her to promote to the max by wearing QR codes that link to different promotional material online! Cool huh?

We Sugru
Everyone should go online and buy Sugru now.
There, I said it. Everyone has something that needs it, whether you realize it or not. It’s like a modeling clay that cures into a sturdy but flexible silicone overnight!

Ever wanted to be the cool kid? Now you can!
This good looking blingy-bling hand-built low-rider bike has been inspired from a study of Americal Low-rider culture. The Low-rider bike by Ben Wilson dares to challenge conventional bicycle ergonomics and makes for a super smooth relaxing ride. It also gets dressed with nearly one hundred and ten thousand crystals by guys over at Swarovski, woowww!

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